Jan 21, 2009


Now we are in Zihuatenejo, about 14 hours cruising down the coast from costa Careyes.

This was the beach from the final scene in Shawshank Redemption! (Looks a fair bit different now though, quite a few hotels and bars and the like)

Went for a kayak over to the beach and a swim around the boat.....and then a short while later there was a large crocodile sighting not 60ft from the boat!! Apparently there is a river full of them just on the otherside of the bay, they have a fence across the entrance, but, of course, being Mexico, having a couple escape to go greet the swimmers on the beach every now and then is not a big deal...

A couple of the guys went fishing and caught a couple of decent sized beauties, shame they turned out not to be edible. So now we have one, half-filleted, strung up on a line behind the boat for the croc! (and of course the security cameras are all on 'croc-watch'...)

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