Jan 15, 2009

Hello Hello!

Well hello!

Welcome to my New Years resolution....

I'm sure by now that my slackness at keeping in touch is blatantly apparent. Apologies.

Since I make a resolution every year to make more of an effort, decided on something different this year - a blog!

So I have no idea how this thing works. Things could be a wee sketchy to start with, but I do intend to stick a load of pics on here and regale you all - or maybe just myself - with humorous tales from my travels.

Perhaps keep you updated on my personal goals - currently to eat my body weight in guacamole....mmmmm! (although this attempt was sidetracked last night when we ate out at a mexican restaurant, in Mexico, that wouldn't serve me guacamole! No words.)

For once, you might even know where I am each day!

So here we go....

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