Feb 3, 2009

Bound for Costa Rica...

Puerto Escondido was a small surfing town all spread out along the beach.
Apparently in summer it's full of surfers and the waves get up to 30ft!
Plenty of bars and souvenir stalls.

Then we cruised on down to Huatulco to get our papers in order so we could leave the country...

Of course we managed to hook a few beauties on the way!

This one on the right was the first sail fish that the boat had hooked since being launched. The captain managed to reel it in without much of a fuss.

After a few small catches - that have to be thrown back - we hooked a decent sized Mahi-Mahi.....so dinner was pretty fresh!

We've been underway for 3 days so far and we arrive into Golfo de Papagayo, Costa Rica tomorrow morning...

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